Saturday, 25 October 2014

                  A Day at  The Port Alma Peat Bogs

 Sun up

Co Driver ready.

Down the Range

Past the last fresh water before the salt.

Away Point 1, <14 Kilometres from Bruce Highway facing back towards it the only decent shade size mangrove across that pan to blue yonder

Camp quality for many a year my inner spring matress for resting has had to be replaced due to weathering and marsupial mice moving in over the twenty plus year I have come here, used to have tar pickets wioth cardboard walls and iron for the roof and a good mosiquito net  for many an over night stay.

Pan will be dry on return with the day warming up

Sea eagle there is some fish in the creek maybe a crab then.
Casuarina Creek away point one towards the mouth Berserker range in the background
Link to my eBook, Australia an Ancient Past

First find of the day a flint artifact and small crab on ground looks like thought it was going to be a good day collecting but didn't relisze the situaton ahead.
Be Jesus the spider that was camped in my crabpot.

The cascading mangrove chunk have plouged away the oyster and scallop beds that once were all along this creek.
 This was once gravel beds with oysters and scallops.

 This place is where I put a pot in it used to be good calcite beds of assorted rocks but now a croc trap.
 Bit much like collapse of glaciers has sped up over the last 10 years I once had a track up there I could go along to escape some of the spots with no rocks. My track which was a couple of metres inwards is now in the creek.
 Oyster rocks I once put in rows to catch fossils , oysters dead from to much sediment is my story.

 We have come a long way about a kilometer up the Casuarina Creek good peat area's below.

 The best Peat Bog one of three that jut parallel into the creek, Ballstone concretions with sometimes fossil crabs are only found each side of the bogs and Lobsters in the middle of the peat.

I would say another artifact a stone axe of shale from the higher ground a few miles away, not anything to do with the calcite rocks down at low tide.

 One of the many freshwater trees at low tide level I say these are responsible for the peat.
 Buffy dog not impressed with the now collasping boggy situations will need a wash before back in the car.

 Inkerman Creek runs parallel to Casuarina fossils and fresh water trees are at low tide level here too but colasping bank has destroyed my best finding area's some have 4 feet of slush now on top one would be bait for the big croc that lives up the gutters near by here so only short grab some concretions and leave.
 King tides have bought a lot of plastic out of the creek to higher ground along the road all 32 ks opf road out to the Port itself.
                                         Back at vehicle.
                                         Sure glad of that says co-pilot Buffy wonder Dog.
                                         The home ward run.
Now that looks better but this is usually drained by the salt Companies down the Port by the end of summer.

The reward of the day beside a pile of concretions and some nice fossil crabs. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. My father and I used to fish down that way in the early 90s. I know the area quite well. It has changed a lot over the years.
